martes, 14 de mayo de 2013

Clase relajante de yoga suave de diez minutos (En inglés)

Relax and regenerate with this 10 minute Yoga class for beginners and advanced. If you feel tired and feel unable to do a full Yoga class, try out this "Yoga Relax" Class. Simple, easy-to-do, suited even for lazy people. You will feel new strenght, energy and positivity, ready for a wonderful day or evening. This series is very good even for anybody desiring sound sleep. Presented by Lisa Schwarz and Sukadev Bretz of

Satyameva Jayate. Namaste. 'Bienvenido' 'aventurero de la vida'. ¿Ya 'te alimentas' bien?



Gracias por pasar por aquí

Gracias por pasar por aquí

Siempre, gracias

Siempre, gracias

