martes, 30 de octubre de 2012

Teyatha Om Bekanze - Medicine Buddha Mantra (Mantra, música)

Mantra de Buda de la Medicina:
Tayata om bekandze bekandze maha bekandze radza samud gate soha

Que todos los seres posean la felicidad y sus causas.
Que todos los seres estén liberados del sufrimiento y de sus causas.
Que todos los seres permanezcan para siempre en el gozo.
Que todos los seres permanezcan en ecuanimidad, libres del apego y la aversión.

The significance of the Medicine Buddha as the Supreme Healer in Tibetan medicine for liberating the individual from suffering is an exemplary metaphor for the mystical elements which are universally inherent in the healing tradition. The tradition is truly a holistic approach to the problem of suffering, both individual suffering and suffering as a universal condition benefiting us all.
TAYATA Like this.
OM This is composed of three sounds Ah, Uu and Ma, which refer to our own body, speech and mind. This is transformed into Medicine Buddha's pure body, speech and mind.
BEKENDZE Bekendze means eliminating pain or healing. The fi rst bekendze removes problems of body and mind, including sickness and old age.
BEKANDZE The second bekendze removes the causes of suffering (greed, hatred and delusion). Effects of karma and disturbing thoughts are eliminated.
MAHA BEKANDZE The great eliminating, the great healing. The clearing of even subtle defi lements.
RANDZA King, as in Menla is the King of Healers.
SAMUDGATE Path to enlightenment.
SO HA This is said to establish the meaning of the mantra in the heart.

Satyameva Jayate. Namaste. 'Bienvenido' 'aventurero de la vida'. ¿Ya 'te alimentas' bien?



Gracias por pasar por aquí

Gracias por pasar por aquí

Siempre, gracias

Siempre, gracias

