
martes, 24 de febrero de 2015

El Mantra de Parnashavari - Khenpo Pema Chopel Rinpoche (Mantra, música)

Om Pishachi Parnashavari Sarvajora Prashamanayeh Soha

During the degenerate age, due to the ignorance, sentient beings will commit great negative karmas causing endless strange diseases. Many diseases are caused by five poisons of our mind. Therefore, with the blessings of the Buddha dharma, if we are able to remove the five poisons of our mind, clean our mind, the physical diseases will be naturally decreased and can even be eliminated.
The Goddess Lomagyona is the manifestation of the compassion embodiment of all the Buddhas; with a golden colored body, three heads, six arms, with three eyes on each face, three top-knot hair, wearing the crown of five buddhas, and displaying ornaments of various jewels. She is the protector of all the practitioners living in the forest, especially effective for the incurable diseases during the degenerate times. This goddess is mainly powerful in treating all of the destruction of the diseases: epidemics, contagious diseases, poisonous diseases, cancerous diseases and other incurable diseases.
The blessing from His Holiness Penor Rinpoche for world peace.
Due to the vast amount of people interested in this beautiful collection of chanting by Penor Rinpoche and Khenpo Pema Chopel Rinpoche we have received a very limited supply of CD's available for sale: